Company name
Mieke Offermans Editing & Translation

Mieke Offermans
Born in the Netherlands in 1980
Native language: Dutch

Eindstraat 28
6265 AD Sint Geertruid

Tel. +31(0)43-4553780
Mob. +31(0)6-45408806
Fax +31(0)43-4553781

Language Combinations Specialisations Vision

I have been fascinated by languages my entire life. Even at a young age, I came into contact with foreign languages, and over the years, French in particular has stolen my heart. Together with English, Greek and a number of scientific subjects, French was also part of my chosen subjects during my VWO (pre-university) education. After that, the decision to pursue the education necessary to become a French and English translator at the Translation Academy in Maastricht was actually a very logical next step for me.

In July of 2002, I graduated Cum Laude with a specialisation in technical texts. From the very start of my study program, it had become clear to me that I was cut out for this profession. It gives me a great deal of satisfaction to see how people of various nationalities are able to communicate with one another as a result of my work. After I became a sworn translator at the District Court in Maastricht, I went to work immediately as a freelance translator. I translate primarily automotive and medical texts, although general scientific and commercial translations are also part of my daily activities.

I work two mornings a week at the French department of the emergency assistance service of Daimler Chrysler in Maastricht. This allows me to keep my knowledge of French and English up to par and also enables me to stay up-to-date on the newest developments in the automotive sector. Together with my work as translator, this represents a very productive combination.

I am very driven in everything I do, and this is definitely manifested in my translation work. Quality and professionalism are of the utmost importance to me, and these elements combined with a touch of perfectionism guarantee good, reliable translations.

Education Work experience Personal interests

Languages have become an essential part of my life outside of my work as well. Social contacts are extremely important to me and my circle of friends is very international. I also aim to gather new knowledge constantly, and my translator's heart starts beating faster when I learn a language that I have not (yet) mastered. I am also interested in learning more about cultures as yet unknown to me. Languages have always been a recurring theme throughout my life, both in my work as well as my free time.